Where the Money Goes
More than $2.7 billion in prizes and $502 million to state and local programs, that’s the bottom line for FY21. With an eye toward sustainable state funding in a challenging economic climate, the Oregon Lottery continues to modernize the games we offer, the way we offer them, and the way we operate.
Whether upgrading the system we use to manage Video Lottery, modernizing how we interact with our players, or enhancing our mobile app, the Oregon Lottery strives for continuous improvement. Most importantly, our mission is to strike the appropriate balance between profits and public good.

Not everyone who plays an Oregon Lottery game is the same. Far from it. That’s why the Lottery offers all sorts of games for all sorts of people. And when all those people play Lottery games, every so often, they win!
“How much have they won?” you ask. Since the Lottery began selling tickets in 1985, players have won over $40 billion in prizes. That’s a lot of prizes!

Funded Programs
Oregonians love their state. It’s a beautiful place to live, play and grow. Over the years, Oregon voters have committed Oregon Lottery dollars towards the projects and programs they love. Nearly $15 billion in Lottery funds have been directed to Oregon’s public schools, job creation, state parks, natural resources, veteran services and Outdoor School. Which is why we like to say, “Together, we do good things.”

Thanks to the thousands of Oregon Lottery retail partners across the state, people can enjoy a little excitement playing Oregon Lottery games. But Lottery retailers offer more than a place buy tickets or play games. Oregon Lottery retailers – from large to small – play important roles in their communities providing jobs and contributing to local organizations.

Operational Expenses
You may not know that the Oregon Lottery is entirely self‐funded through sales of Lottery games. The Lottery develops, produces, and markets Lottery games; pays winners and its own operating expenses. Any remaining profits go to the State to help fund programs and projects important to Oregonians.