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Employee Benefits
Work that gives back to the community
Our People
Work/Life Balance
Jen | Product Marketing
Work/Life Balance
Niah | Human Resources
Hugo | Player Services
Sandy | Finance & Accounting
Teresa | Player Services
Favorite part of working for the Lottery
Sandy | Finance & Accounting
Favorite part of working for the Lottery
Jen | Product Marketing
Favorite part of working for the Lottery
Hugo | Player Services
Favorite part of working for the Lottery
Kevin | Business & Gaming Operations
Remote Work
Niah | Human Resources
Oregon Lottery Culture
Cliff | Distribution
Oregon Lottery Culture
Justin | IT Operations
Favorite Programs that Lottery Funds
Sandy | Finance & Accounting
Favorite Programs that Lottery Funds
Hugo | Player Services
Los Beneficios
Hugo | Servicio Jugador
Los Beneficios
Teresa | Servicio Jugador
El Balance Entre Vida Personal y el Trabajo
Hugo | Servicio Jugador
El Balance Entre Vida Personal y el Trabajo
Teresa | Servicio Jugador
El Parte Favorito del Trabajar para la Lotería
Hugo | Servicio Jugador
La Cultura de la Lotería de Oregón
Teresa | Servicio Jugador
El Programa Favorito financiado por la Lotería
Teresa | Servicio Jugador