Since 1999, 1% of Lottery revenue—over $100 million dollars —has been dedicated to funding problem gambling prevention and treatment services. This places Oregon 2nd in the nation in per capita spending on problem gambling*. In addition to this legislatively mandated funding, the Oregon Lottery® invests approximately $3 Million to implement a comprehensive responsible gaming program guided by our Responsible Gaming Code of Practice. This report details significant impacts resulting from this investment for 2019.
Our Goals
While there a wide variety of anticipated outputs and outcomes associated with the implementation of the Responsible Gambling Code of Practice, our overarching goals are really very simple. The Lottery will devote energy, funding and resources where they will have the most positive impact on the promotion of responsible gaming practices and awareness of problem gambling resources. Our efforts are devoted to:
- Providing information and tools to help players make informed choices and enjoy Lottery games in a responsible way.
- Creating awareness of resources and treatment for those affected by problem gambling. We aim to ensure that people affected by gambling issues know how to access help and that they understand treatment is free, confidential, and it works.
What We Measure
The Oregon Lottery is accountable for ensuring and communicating progress on relevant practices contained in the Code of Practice. Using a combination of internal monitoring and independent assessments, we report on both annual measures and key accomplishments specific to a given year. Our annual measurements look at year-over-year trends, when possible, while our key accomplishments measure a discrete set of non-repeatable activities.
*Source #1
Responsible Gambling Code: The Responsible Gambling Code of Practice commits the Lottery to implement a comprehensive program focused on research, stakeholder, retailer and employee engagement, player education and advertising and promotion.
RG by the Numbers

$100 M+
problem gambling funding since 1999
Scoreboard users who set a betting limit
player education, marketing, and outreach since 1999
call center staff who completed sports betting RG training
Times the average Oregonian sees RG or PG advertising in a 26-week period
Video Lottery staff trained for a retailer to earn RG seal
Lottery staff completing annual RG training
The Lottery promotes the availability of problem gambling resources and treatment on games and equipment, on Lottery and partner websites, in our mobile applications and through integrated advertising and promotional outreach including social, digital, broadcast, print, out-of-home, point of sale merchandising and public relations.
Our goal is to ensure that players and others affected by gambling understand the variety of resources and treatment options available, that treatment is free for any Oregonian negatively affected by gambling, that treatment is professional, confidential and perhaps most importantly that it works.
Oregonians Know Free Treatment is Available
Source #1
Oregonians Understand Key Messages
Source #1
Oregonians Appreciate that Lottery Dollars Fund Free Treatment
Source #1
The Lottery’s treatment referral outreach program is designed to ensure that players and others affected by gambling know how to easily connect with problem gambling treatment and resources. This includes broad promotion of the helpline phone, chat and text numbers and Oregon Problem Gambling Resource website ( Additionally, Lottery promotes a variety of informational resources such as GamTalk, for people considering changes to their gambling.
Oregonians Become Aware of Treatment Resources Through Multiple Channels
Source #1
n=800 [Note: last category added in 2019]

Oregon Problem Gambling Website
Oregonians visit the Oregon Problem Gambling website,, to find more information about risks associated with gambling behaviors and to connect to free treatment and recovery services available to anyone impacted by gambling in their communities.
Total website traffic driven to in 2019
*Source #4
Calls, Chats & Texts in 2019




People can sign up for a Motivational Texting program available to anyone entering treatment & recovery programs.
When you call or chat with the helpline, a gambling counselor will listen, educate, answer questions, and refer you to free and confidential treatment services. There are 46 providers in Oregon that provide FREE, state-funded, confidential gambling treatment.
*Source #6
The Lottery promotes responsible gaming practices and behaviors and dedicates responsible gaming marketing that integrates key messages into various marketing promoting Lottery games. The Lottery is guided by the principle that responsible gaming is for all players all the time and works to normalize the inclusion of “RG” messaging and the depiction of responsible behaviors in all marketing outreach.
Oregonians Understand Key Messages
Source #1

2019 Key Accomplishments
In late 2019 Oregon Lottery launched an online sportsbook called Oregon Lottery Scoreboard. Age verified and registered players can bet on a full range of professional sports via a mobile app or web. Oregon Lottery Scoreboard launched with a robust suite of responsible gaming tools and voluntary player protection tools.
2019 KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Updated! Responsible Gaming & You training
The Oregon Lottery, along with all retail partners, recognize there is a shared responsibility to promote Responsible Gaming. Lottery’s commitment to this shared responsibility includes providing retailers and staff with responsible gaming training they need to be effective and confident when facing gambling related situations.
New channel, New customer, New training content
Prior to the launch of Scoreboard, the Oregon Lottery conducted multiple 3-hour in-person RG training sessions designed specifically for call center customer service staff who support sport betting players.
The training was designed to help call center staff provide accurate information on how the Scoreboard games work, and direct customers to resources and help for issues with gaming.

The goal of training was to help provide excellent experiences for our Scoreboard players on every call, chat or text – including difficult interactions and identifying problem gambling red flags— Krystal Smith, Program Manager, Responsible & Problem Gambling

Some of the Red Flags identified during Responsible Gaming training
- Loss of love of the game
- Total preoccupation with sports
- Stats and skill obsession
- Going All-in on big games
New Oregon Lottery Staff Training
All Lottery employees receive annual Responsible Gaming Training. This 15-minute online training module is designed to help equip staff with the tools they need to address situations faced when interacting with the public.
400 Total Lottery staff trained
- 99% know how to direct players to more information on Problem Gambling
- 98% agree that it’s important to have friendly, factual conversation about responsible gaming with players, retailers, and the public
- 93% feel it’s important to have a Code of Practice and policies in place to reduce gambling-related harm
- 90% know how to dispel myths and Lottery and Lottery games when engaging with the public
*Source #3
Video Lottery Retailer Responsible Gaming Training
The Oregon Lottery’s ongoing commitment to retailer training continues as new Video Lottery refresher training was introduced. A pre- and post- survey was included as well as the introduction of a new “We Support Responsible Gaming” seal as part of a retailer training incentive program.
- Based on retailer feedback, the new refresher training was shortened from 30 to 15 minutes
- The training can be taken in either English or Spanish on any mobile, laptop or desktop computer platform.
- Developed using a more engaging animated teaching style
New! Pre/Post Survey Measuring Video Lottery Retailer Knowledge and Opinions
Taking the survey must be completed prior to printing a certificate of completion. This has helped with response rate.
New! “We Support RG” seal is exclusive to retailers that have multiple staff complete training
The seal is available only to retailers that have 3 or more staff completing the RG training.
A digital version of the seal is also available and can be placed on social media platforms, websites, emails and even player newsletters.
The Oregon Lottery is an associate member of the World Lottery Association (WLA) and currently holds the highest level of certification at level 4. WLA’s values are based on a commitment to the highest standards of corporate responsibility and are based on WLA Responsible Gaming Principles and Framework.
The Oregon Lottery is currently a Gold Member of the National Council on Problem Gambling and actively holds position on the Board of Directors and various Committees. Membership provides a variety of experiences across multiple industries to strengthen NCPG’s leadership as the organization continues to grow and evolve.
The Oregon Council on Problem Gambling (OCPG) is the state affiliate to the National Council on Problem Gambling. The OCPG’s purpose is to promote the health of Oregonians by supporting efforts to minimize gambling related harm. The Oregon Lottery holds a position on the board of directors along with other stakeholders from the gaming industry, treatment and prevention field, the recovery community and state and county administrators.
Oregon Lottery is an Associate Member of the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries (NASPL). Currently, Oregon holds “Sustaining” level certification through NASPL and NCPG which is the highest level available. In addition, the Oregon Lottery Director serves as the Chair of the NASPL Responsible Gambling sub-committee. NASPL’s mission is to assemble and disseminate information and benefits of state and provincial lottery organizations through education and communications and, where appropriate, publicly advocate the positions of NASPL on matters of general policy.
Formerly NCRG. The Oregon Lottery is an active member of the International Center for Responsible Gaming (ICRG), an international organization exclusively devoted to funding research that helps increase understanding of pathological and youth gambling and find effective methods of treatment.
This report has become a platform to demonstrate accountability in relation to all aspects of our Responsible and Problem Gaming programs that are guided by the Code of Practice. The focus for the coming year will be all about:
- updating our existing Code of Practice to include new gaming channels
- seeking new Responsible Gaming certifications
- researching Positive Play tools to help players adopt safer behaviors and
- expansion of existing retailer & staff training programs.
Some of the new training opportunities will include shorter topic specific modules for Lottery retailers, customer service staff, and Oregon Lottery employees. Expanding advanced training for player-facing lottery staff will also be a focus over the coming year.
- Marotta, J., Hynes, J., Rugle, L., Whyte, K., Scanlan, K., & Sheldrup, J., & Dukart, J. 2016 Survey of Problem Gambling services in the United States. Boston MA: Association of Problem Gambling Service Administrators.
- Oregon Lottery: Brand Promise Study Summary of Findings Final Report: October 2019. N=800
- Oregon Lottery RG Staff Training Survey – Summary of Findings: Final Report March 2019. N=400
- Google Analytics 2019.
- Oregon Lottery Responsible Gaming Retailer Dashboard 2019.
- Problem Gambling Program – Annual Activity – Yearly Report CY2019.