Blue Mountain Community College
Veterans Services Center
Lottery funds are being used to create veterans’ resource centers at Oregon’s public colleges and universities. Blue Mountain Community College’s center is already serving military veterans and performing community outreach in eastern Oregon.
Shortly after Oregon voters decided to support veteran services with Oregon Lottery funds, House Bill 143 was introduced to the Oregon legislature. The bill encouraged Oregon public colleges and universities to apply for a portion of these funds to establish veteran resource centers on their campuses.
It wasn’t long before Roman Olivera, the Director of the Student Success Center at Boardman’s Blue Mountain Community College, found himself helping to write a grant to apply for funding.
Since then, BMCC has moved their veteran services to a new center on campus. They now have two secure rooms for counseling and advising. The center hosts a welcome orientation for student veterans and does a great deal of community outreach. Veterans receive help enrolling in classes and applying for services. The new funding has also enabled the school to hire and additional Veteran Service Officer who focuses on outreach countywide, attending community meetings, forums and workgroups.

Transitioning to Civilian Life
Veterans face unique challenges assimilating to civilian life after service. Pursuing their education is often a first step in that process. Thanks to Oregon voters, lottery funds are there to help student veterans find their footing and pursue the success they so richly deserve.
Learn more about how Blue Mountain Community College created and uses their campus veterans’ center.


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